Sunday, February 15, 2015

Parks and Recreation

Even though I had not been with this comedy show since the beginning, and had only finished catching up with the previous seasons a few months back, it is already one that I really adore. Using a 'mockumentary' filming style, the show is about Leslie Knope, who is a dedicated and enthusiastic government official working in the parks department in the state of Indiana. I did decide to give the show a chance because of my admiration for Amy Poehler and I was not disappointed. 

The diversity of characters is one of the things that is really interesting to see here and each one's sense of humour is uniquely different but amusing nonetheless. It is also nice to see how they progress as the seasons continue, following their bigger dreams and goals, rather than just remaining in the same job position. While I'm liking where the show is at right now, that was not the same feeling when I had started. I must point out that the pilot and the first two seasons were not all that appealing, and it was from the third season wherein the show really kicked off and became hilarious. So yes, it did take me a while to get into the feel and theme of the episodes but there is no reason to stop midway. 

It was obvious that much research was conducted as far as the topics in the show were shown, and there were even episodes which were based on real life current events. It has good comedic drama and consists of a brilliant cast that have made me love their characters. The ongoing season is the seventh and it is the final one. 

Happy binge-watching! 

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