Monday, February 2, 2015

Doctor Who

As hard as it is for me to pick just one favourite television show, if there was one that was close enough, it would be Doctor Who. Honestly, I don't even know where to begin in order to describe this  unique and out of this world show, which would be funny considering it really does take place 'out of this world' at times. 

I think I'll start off by stating that this show has been on for over 50 years and if that does not tell you how great it is, nothing will. In the simplest way possible, it is centred around a mad man with a blue police box, often accompanied by a 'companion' as well. The so called mad man is known as 'The Doctor', the last known surviving member of his species, the Time Lords. The distinguishable proposition about this show is it's time travelling escapades featured in every episode. Be it the past, present or future, you will have seen it all by the end. Starting from mannequins that come to life to Weeping Angels and Daleks, there's just something about the world that will never be the same to you. 

Whilst the genre is that of sic-fi and fantasy, the show does not fail to provide us with just the right concoction of comedy, drama, overall emotional torture and mental anguish. Oh yes, that is not even an exaggeration. But if you think that is going to make you want to turn away, think again. Before you know it, you will be asking for more of the illogical explanations done in the most logical way, especially for the other worldly creatures and aliens that you will encounter. Granted, it does take a little time to get used to and some of it may not make sense at the beginning. But the minute the twisted things start to make perfect sense, that's when you know you have officially been transformed into a Whovian. 

Personally, I love the Time Lord science of having things bigger on the inside, as can be seen by the Doctor's time travelling machine, the TARDIS. But that is all just the tip of the iceberg. If you think that there just isn't enough to see on planet Earth or the galaxy, think again, because this show invites you to bear witness to literally everything unimaginable. 

Happy binge-watching!

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