Saturday, February 7, 2015


This is a police procedural categorised show, therein which exist creatures and characters inspired by the Grimms' Fairy Tales in a twisted, dark world. The protagonist, Nick Burkhardt, is a homicide detective, who also happens to be a descendant of hunters called Grimms, who have the unique ability to fight supernatural creatures and see them in their true form that nobody else can see. Unlike the happy ending stories that kids are used to growing up with, the characters on here are shown with a darker side, as was possibly intended in the original tales written by the Grimm brothers. 

The show kicks off with Nick battling his newfound awareness about his ability by himself, but as the seasons proceed, the people closest to him begin to find out as well. As far as the pace of the episodes are concerned, I can't complain much, though there are places in the plot lines here and there that could have done with a bit of improving. Regardless of a few stretched out episodes, the character development and story keeps going in a better direction by the end of the first season. Admittedly, it did take me a bit of time to get used to the theme and setting but having stuck with it till the current season four and still ongoing, I do not regret it. 

One of the intriguing things that I've noticed is how they show Nick caught in a hard place at times, struggling between his duty as a cop and as a Grimm; one as a servant to the law and the other, a killer of supernatural beings. It portrays just how intricate his character is and how it affects the lives of those around him. The fantasy/fictional element consisting of the creatures is played in well and certainly gives the show the grit and edge that's not seen in the usual 'cop shows'. Also, I'm definitely happy to have heard that the show is renewed for a fifth season, by the NBC. 

Happy binge-watching! 

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