Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The Expanse

As someone who is a huge fan of all things science-fiction, I was super excited to start watching The Expanse. It was certainly worth it. The events of this series occurs hundreds of years in the future, wherein the entire Solar System has been colonised by humans. As a result, the three primary divisions are Earth, Mars and the Belt. The show is an adaption of the novels by authors Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck. 

Let me begin by pointing out that it is one of the most visually appealing shows I have watched. From depictions of the planets and spaceships to the stars, it is easy to sense the impact. It plays with one's imagination as to how the world could turn out in the future, along with having themes that are quite reminiscent to the present. There is immediate evidence that the production value is high in terms of design and effect and I can say it has paid off. 

My weakness in any show is a well-written character, and luckily for me, The Expanse has a wide array of good characterisation. They possess a sense of realism that is not easy to find in every fictional character we may come across, and that is also what makes them more relatable. Characters from each of the divisions are adequately used to represent issues that even plague our reality, such as discrimination, corruption, politics and fear of things that the mind does not understand. 

It is quite disconcerting to imagine that even after centuries of evolving, some core problems may never get solved. 

I will admit that much like many other shows, it is difficult to follow in the beginning (maybe the first couple of episodes) due to the slow pace. Additionally, the colloquialism of the Belt division's native language makes certain scenes a little confusing. 

Happy binge-watching! 

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